< Case Studies

Timber Bridge - Coastal Crossing - Residential

6 Metre Timber Rope Bridge Crossing - Cornwall, UK

Project Leader: Residential

Description: Tayplay produced an iroko bridge with a resident architect in the south of England. The bridge was to be wide enough to allow disabled access to their summer house across the tidal water.

Tayplay produced an iroko bridge with a resident architect in the south of England.  The bridge was to be wide enough to allow disabled accessibility to their summer house across the water.  When the coast is in, this is the only access.  The architect wanted to create a playful bridge, moving away from his neighbours steel and concrete structures.  Check out the video installing the bridge!

Tayplay calculate the fixed and variable loads, design and manufactured all rope nets.  If you need to develop a rope net structure, or have any questions regarding the architects or design of this project, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • What Our Clients Say

    "Wonderful service. We've purchased multiple nets from Tayplay and the whole team have always been really helpful. Great quality product, we would highly recommend."

    "Nicole Rogers, Lead Designer - Bewilderwood - UK"

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